Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Out of the Gene Pool!


I was informed yesterday by phone that I do not test for either the BRCA 1 or 2 gene for cancer.

That is good news, as my risk for ovarian cancer is not high and my kid does not have a higher risk for cancer than the general population.

Last Thursday I got my last round of Big Red with Acetone. I have felt OK, not insanely great. Mostly, I am frustrated at meal time (stomach growls, but food offers no comfort or flavor) and wine tastes like nothing at all.

My SXSW week began immediately after this treatment, and I have cut way back on my activities this year, skipping parties and attending no film screenings, except for one. I am conserving my energy for tonight, because I will be in a (we hope) full night club selling raffle tickets for a guitar and t-shirts to raise money for Girls Rock Camp Austin. I will wear the black bob, I think.

I actually have a full music agenda, which you can look at here. Not that my anemic self can last all night, but I have an agenda anyway.


Kat said...

woo-hoo! that is fantastic news.

props to you, sister, for having a fancy agenda for the week. I am chemo-free yet without a firm plan! hoping our paths will cross... I'm dying to see that black 'do.


willywilly said...

Roseana! Hi! I found your blog! That is great news!

I never got a chance to see you again after the Art of Karaoke/Dancing Alfonso screening but I wanted you to know that I really enjoyed talking to you. You are a wonderful, beautiful person and so filled with positive energy and light!

My SXSW experience was fantastic! Can't say enough good things about the festival and the people there. Thanks also for the blog mention of the film. I hope other people got to see Art and Dancing Alfonso in the screenings that followed after we left.

Best wishes to you and your family!


Will Hartman