Monday, March 17, 2008

Lucky to Have Cancer

We saw an old friend during SXSW, someone whom I've not seen for many years and we had a chance to catch up. Unfortunately for him, he and his wife are splitting up. It's complicated, he is taking a lot of the blame, but mostly, he is just very sad and does not want his wife to go. All they see are their problems and their boredom with each other, nothing is binding them together anymore.

And so he told me that in spite of what's happening to me he thought Roland and I are lucky. I know exactly what he meant. He meant we have my illness, besides everything else that's in a marriage. That renews your bond in a relationship, makes you pay attention again, makes you take the other person a little less for granted than you did before. Our friend would like to have that again. I wish him the best, even if the best involves cancer. I really mean that.

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